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05 Apr 2014

What do you know about the CRYPTORY® affiliate program? Dublin Cryptorium Limited not only offers our partners a percentage of income from the referrals they bring in, but each month the top 10 partners with the highest commissions from referrals receive a cash reward. To learn more about the affiliate program visit this link: https://www.cryptory.com/partners/. To see the highest achieving partners and winner's list click on «Top Partners and Winners». On the 5th of each month profits in the "Top Partners" list will be reset to zero to provide an opportunity for more partners to earn rewards (Profits will only reset to zero in the list and does not affect the partner profit totals found in the control panel). The rewards program is our way of showing appreciation for your willingness to spread the word.

20 Mar 2014

We have taken every step possible to ensure that the issue is fully resolved.

We are constantly implementing system improvements to meet the tremendous demand for services from our rapidly increasing customer base. We take pride in the innovative spirit of our work and care deeply about you, our customer.

With this in mind, the outage has been a humbling and painful experience for us as well. We will do everything in our power to regain your trust and make sure this doesn’t happen again.

19 Mar 2014

Thank you for your patience during our service outage. Access to the dashboard was fully restored. We understand how frustrating it is to be unable to access your funds.

Currently, there is a issue with profit calculations and referral system. Our team working around the clock to promptly restore service.

We thank you for your patience and support!

18 Mar 2014

The dashboard is currently down for maintenance. The developers are working on a software issue with our cloud-based technology. We will restore service to normal status ASAP.

04 Mar 2014

  We are proud to announce that our site is now available in Greek and Polish. To find your language, locate the language menu in the upper right corner of the site. From the drop down box select a language specific to the 13 countries now represented on the site. Click on your country/language and notice that the dedicated toll free phone number for your country appears below. You can contact us 24 hours a day Monday through Friday. Or try our 'Live Chat' feature located next to the telephone number.

  Currently we are developing a system that generates weekly reports that will allow for global transparency for the services provided by CRYPTORY. These reports include additional information such as: costs associated with new equipment, Blockchain Links (number/hashes of mined blocks on blockchain.info), expenses attached to electricity, number of processors, ratios related to first and second generation processors, and other reports and documentation that support this goal.

Бриф компании
  • Основана в 2011 году
  • Один из наиболее быстро растущих компаний в Нидерландах
  • Клиенты в 65+ странах мира
  • Более 8000 предугаданных матчей
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